Tips for Concrete Maintenance

Tips for Concrete Maintenance

You’ve had a new slab poured or your current one lifted. Now how do you maintain that concrete? Luckily it’s pretty easy! Concrete is one of the most durable construction materials but it still needs regular maintenance to extend its lifespan. Here are some simple...
What to Expect From a Lifting Project

What to Expect From a Lifting Project

Concrete might be a strong, durable material for slabs, driveways, and sidewalks, but even the strongest material can crack, break or sink. Choosing to get your cracked and sunken concrete fixed sounds like a daunting, expensive process, but it doesn’t have to be!...
Sinking slabs next to your foundation

Sinking slabs next to your foundation

If your driveway or concrete slab is sinking, it can seem like an impossible fix, or if it’s possible, it will cost a fortune. Neither one of those things is true, but it’s also important to address a sinking slab as soon as you can to prevent even bigger problems....